Dissemination and Capacity Building workshop for UpJordan
The workshop was held at Hashemite University, Jordan
2/22/20241 min read
As part of the project deliverables and dissemination efforts, two separate workshops were organised:
1) 1st workshop was held in Horizons, Reading, UK on 6th Sep 2023 where more than 20 participants participated, face to face and online.
2) 2nd workshop was organised at Hashemite University, Amman, Jordan on 25th October 2023 which was attended by more than 40 people from the industry, universities, the British Council, and the British Embassy in Jordan.
Project Principal Investigators Dr. Noreen Sehar and Dr. Muhammad Qasim Rana provided an overview of the workshop's objectives, emphasizing the importance of promoting gender equality and safety in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions. Dr. Olugbenga Tim Oladinrin shared insights on the case of South Africa, drawing parallels with challenges faced in Pakistan and sparking discussions on potential solutions. He shared some initial findings from his Gender Equality project in South Africa which is underway.
The workshop related images can be found here: CLICK HERE

Regarding LeadJordan, Contact us:
Dr Ahlam Sharif (Jordan): ahlam_sh@hu.edu.jo
Prof Angela Lee (UK): a.lee@ucem.ac.uk